The Right to Speak?

We have always had the right to speak, but in the past, it was only as far as we could shout. If we had an audience, (who transmitted on what we had said, incorporating ‘Chinese whispers’ or ‘Telephone’ along the way…), our voice may have travelled further. In more recent history, some people were lucky to have a printing press. Or recent, recent history; wireless and television.

Then came the internet. What a wonderful tool. Freedom of speech for all (as long as you have access to the internet and use of an electronic device), which some still don’t have…

YouTube Comments - An Example
YouTube Comments – An Example

Freedom of Speech for All

What do you want to say, how do you want to say it, what do you want to gain from it. How do you want to manipulate it. How much money can you make from it. Love, hate, indifference, it’s all there. With the amplification of speech comes all the positives and negatives. Everyone can communicate more. The loons, the visionaries, the haters, the expressionists. Some gain millions of listeners, others gain a few…

Here is an example of everyday normalism, the ability to express yourself to the masses. This is a comment I received on YouTube…

By the way, the video was about glow plugs that are only fitted to a diesel engine. Diesel engines don’t have spark plugs…

“Great video… I would recommend changing your spark plugs and leads, they look really dirty and yucky and stiff on top of.your engine. No need to thank me.for.the advice, I’m just a good man doing a good deed to so one that clearly can’t see the problem with his car, sometime you have too “keep it simply stupid” as they say.. stand back and think, if you were as dirty as this engine how would you feel working??? Now you see what s wrong, your engine is dirty and the ECU has sensors to detect it and tells the catholiccoverter to shut it’s doors not letting the band band out the organ pipe..

Soo, what you need to do first is get some good quality (preferably 4lts of “”Bless-it-he-who-prays–sprays-and complains” from the local parish, 15-30w if its not old engine but if old maybe 30-50w “30” is how many hail Mary’s and “50” is how many our father’s.. HOLY water from your loverly priest, but ask and only no. Holes in it, or.some holes because it can’t be holy water without holes yeah. Pins holes best. And you need to wash the engine down while doing the rosery for.EVERY spark plug and glow plug (4cyl diesel that’s 8 full rosary glow.plugs and.slark.plugs, empty fuel.filter while dipping bread to get all the nice beautiful oil (like the.oil out.of.a.pan when cooking meet) it’s the flavour, fill the.filter with the Holy water, be.sure.not to leave.any are, for.good.luck rosary beads and some bread as a token of .appreciation to the Almighty. Remove all wires that you can see ” god is smarter that that, he does need telephone wires to.speak (have faith it does work) was part, wash pray, eat, pray, sacrifice more.bread as new.air.filter with a little olive.oil to catch the dirt because we’re smart, names billy not.silly… take off oil cap.and.i BET it’s.low.on oil so.fill to the.very top of rocker cover with 10-30w holy water (trust me) keep washing engine, for.days till clean, remove half the.engine.bolts because God strong he.holds us.and engines together, remove bonnet your.blessed.enngine, don’t.forget to place big cross on center of.rocker cover cuz it looks hard so.goes.hard.. fill tires with whatever holly water you have left and fuel.tank. it.helps.keep.combustion temps.down when.added to.diesle. “ my friend..” now.all you need to you don’t.need.keys at this point, it’s not keyless start, just.speak to God.and.he.will start it I reassure you. Last thing, pray that you have insurance for mentally ill episodes so that they cover you write off of a car get a brand new one, God always.pulls through, see I.promised ya didn’ my child. Do as I.said will be blessed with a new car..

Ps check insurance.policy first.. God hate insurance.companys so.wont.wotk.with them, that you need and . You will hear.voices in your.head as you.. perfectly normal.

What u waiting.for… it..

Don’t.forget to.donate.. ask.for.bamk.details as directly to my account so.they do

Pm Info.. do t be.tight also, min $100aud deposits weekly. This.story was.worth it.. plus.ypu like never before.. sleeper. Killer Hard”

And there we have it, plain and simple ‘freedom of speech’…


  • The comment was covered in links. I didn’t follow any as they were obscure and I didn’t know what I would find?
  • The comment wasn’t published on YouTube. The person leaving the comment does have their right to free speech, but you just don’t know what other comments would be received in reply, and then it can cause issues. Therefore the comment was removed
  • I have published the comment here, but any details have been removed to protect the writer. We all know what the haters (and lovers) can be like…

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